The website for alien abduction( ) is dedicated to people that want to be kidnapped by aliens.
Authority : When you scroll down the page you find an e-mail address for feedback and a name of the writer or company. You can find information of the company from the page.
Accuracy: No spelling mistakes but there are no links or other information from other pages. The page is mainly the writers own text.
Currency : There is a date when you scroll the page down but it is not for the writings but only for the page and how long it has been in use.
Objectivity : There is a lot of information about the Alien Abducts Incorporate. They have a blog and also you can get a job there.
Because there is lots of information you should thinks it is reliable but I still have a feeling that this page is not reliable.
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VastaaPoistaAlienabductions web site ( is a page dedicated for the people who have suffered an alien abduction and want to share their expierience about it. Or actually it’s more whining about that why it’s not YOU who they have abducted.
Authority: They’ve given a list of email-addresses and phonenumbers but no names. You can also find a copyright tag from the bottom of the page (including dates and feedback email-address).
They even have an online store where they sell t-shirts, but i must say the store’s reliability wouldn’t be sure enough for me.
Accuracy: It’s hard to find any typos from the page, that’s good of course. And if you want some information about the meetings or anything you can give a call or email to one of the numbers/addresses so I would say the page is quite accurate.
Currency: First of all, where are all the resources? They even point at FBI in some of the cases, but with no resource at all. I can’t either find any dates, excluding the years on the top/bottom of the front page and so on.
Objectivity: As I already said, lot of addresses/phone numbers are given. The ”Contact us” section is also pretty clear (
Altogether even the page have been created quite crediblely, it still doesen’t convince me. Alien abductions? Come on.
Pietari, miksi ihmeessä olet laittanut kirjoituksesi kommenttikenttään?! Mun on nyt tosi hankala kommentoida teidän kirjoituksia.
Eva, vedät aika lailla mutkat suoriksi tässä arvioinnissasi. Tekstisi ja loppukommenttisi välillä on ristiriita, sillä kuulostat tekstissä suht tyytyväiseltä siihen, mitä löydät sivult, mutta lopussa teilaat kuitenkin sivuston.
VastaaPoistaYou could have done this a lot better. 65p
VastaaPoistaSulla myös vähän mutkat suoriksi noiden perustelujen kanssa. Miksi esim nettikauppa vaikuttaa hämärältä tai keksityltä? Minä ainakin huomasin heti yhden oleellisen seikan...Et myöskään kovin tarkkaan katsonut meiliosoitteita. Niissäkin on yksi vika, ihan myös siinä mielestäsi selvässä yhteystiedossa.
Taisi olla kiire kotiin tekemään sitä edelleen puuttuvaa työtä, vai? 70p