lauantai 8. toukokuuta 2010

Justus' Media Diary

I use or read about every day the internet or some other channels which are connected with media. Sometimes I just read trough the paper and search some interesting news or sport news.

Wednesday: When I go home from job I read Metro in bus. There was not so big news. When I get home I read some other news from the internet Ilta-Sanomat and Helsingin Sanomat pages.

Thursday I used computer about 2 hours at night. I was in facebook so I did not use the internet necessarily so well.

Friday I read Ilta-Sanomat and there were so many titles which tell about the volcanic eruption.

Saturday I use the internet whole day spending the hours in facebook and many other sites. I was so tired that I didn’t do anything else.

Sunday I do some geography work which includes the earth risks and I must search some news that attach volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and some other natural risks.

There were no surprises on my media using. It was a normal week for me. Sometimes I use much more media, but it depends.

I don’t use much television and I don’t play any internet games because I have Xbox360 console, but actually I can compare using of spending newspapers or internet. It depends on what day is it because usually I read Metro in bus every day but if I’m tired in mornings or I just don’t want to read any papers it certainly get off my daily information access.

Sometimes my father brings Ilta-Sanomat when he comes from work and I usually read it if I’m willing to know what is happening.

Using internet or television is very daily and important to me that I would say that my using is primarily to get informed about everything.

2 kommenttia:

  1. Anteeksi, että tämä tuli nyt vasta tänne uudestaan. Tiedän että tämä työ puuttui täältä ja nyt tuli myöhässä, pahoittelut! :)

  2. Olin vain aina unohtanut lisätä tämän tänne ku teksti poistu sillon tuolta media diaries kansiosta.
