keskiviikko 19. toukokuuta 2010

Parishiltononline web site ( is a page which purpose is to give information, pictures and news about Paris Hilton.

There is no clear information about the authors of the page. There is a part where the visitors can contact, but there is no email addresses or anything else. On the web site is also a part where is said that all the things are copyrighted, but there is no reliable copyrights told.

The web site is more focused to pictures than reliable information and there is a lot of links. And also the site is kind of messy and hard to read.
I think that the site’s only positive side is currency. There are exact dates and the news is current and gives correct links to different sites.

If I want to get some information about Paris Hilton, I wouldn’t check it from this page. It’s so prejudiced and all the news about her is positive.

1 kommentti:

  1. Lotta,
    Hyvät havainnot (en tosin mennyt sivua katsomaan for some reason ;D). 70p
