From Eero Ettala with love web site ( is a site which tells you about snowboarder Eero Ettala. In front page you can see some videos about Ettala and it somehow provides the right information about the snowboarder.
(Authory) There is lot of information about Eero Ettala. There are also many videos to watch and I think which are reliable. There a biography about Ettala which is also reliable, because I think it’s stupid to put some wrong information about the main person to the internet. And it’s easy to find the original pages of links because Ettala’s sponsors are huge corporations and I think it’s reliable. Ettala also keeps his own blog and you can see it in the front page and you can find the blog on the right side of the page. There is date and time when he is written down the blog writings. There is also some pictures of Eero.
(Accuracy) The language in the page is spoken language. And Eero writes so easily way that everybody can read it. So everything that he is written seems reliable.
(Currency) There are many dates given. The blog have dates and also videos have dates in videos links. There is the right mention when Eero has created. You can add some comments to Ettalas blog and blog writings.
(Objectivity) There is much contact information that is given to the Ettalas own website. There are several sponsor links ranging from for example Red Bull, Oakley, Nitro, White Moment etc. I think that the site is reliable.
All in all I trust to this page and trust that it’s reliable.
written by justus
VastaaPoistaeihän sivulla ole blogitekstiä vaan twitteriä. :)
Mitä tulee tarkkuuteen (accuracy), se, että kieli on kaverin puhekieltä, ei välttämättä takaa oikeellisuutta, joten on parempi ehkä vain todeta, että the language sounds like the man, so one CAN ASSUME that it is by he himself. Joskus on vain myönnettävä, että vaikka kuinka diggaa jostain, nettisivun luotettavuuskriteerit eivät välttämättä toteudu. Esim jos mun pitäisi tehdä kaverista esitelmä, minä ainakin varmistaisin meriitit muualta, en luottaisi vain hänen omaan sivustoonsa. Se ei silti tarkoita, että hänen sivunsa olisivat jotenkin huonot, ne eivät vain toimi varmana tietolähteenä, jos niistä puuttuvat linkit paikkoihin, joista oikeellisuuden voi varmistaa. 75p