keskiviikko 19. toukokuuta 2010


Alien Abductions Incorporated web site ( ) is a page that provides alien abduction experiences. The main missions are presented on the front page.

(Authority) The author of the page is Alien Abductions Inc. There are clear instructions on how to contact the authority and who is responsible for which section of the product . Under every name there is a phone number and an e-mail address. The material is protected by copyright and the name of the copyright holder is Alien Abduction Inc. However the copyright has expired( not on the front page however??) which is kind of suspicious…

(Accuracy) The information listed on the page can not be verified in another source which gives the impression that someone could have just made everything up. The are no typographical, grammatical or spelling errors. There’s no mention of who would be responsible for the writings and no graphs or charts.

(Objectivity) The information is not provided as a public service. There are no advertisements!

(Currency) There are no dates of any kind except for the expired copyright (1997-2007) and the copyright on the front page (1997-2010) which gives the expression that the whole page is expired and not kept current except for the front page.

(Coverage) The page seems complete and it looks professional. I guess that’s why the copyright is current only on the front page to make the page look better.

Parishiltononline web site ( is a page which purpose is to give information, pictures and news about Paris Hilton.

There is no clear information about the authors of the page. There is a part where the visitors can contact, but there is no email addresses or anything else. On the web site is also a part where is said that all the things are copyrighted, but there is no reliable copyrights told.

The web site is more focused to pictures than reliable information and there is a lot of links. And also the site is kind of messy and hard to read.
I think that the site’s only positive side is currency. There are exact dates and the news is current and gives correct links to different sites.

If I want to get some information about Paris Hilton, I wouldn’t check it from this page. It’s so prejudiced and all the news about her is positive.


Robert Pattinson website ( is a page that gives you information about the young British actor.

The layout of the page seems professional and well organised but at the same time very blog like. On the top of the page there is a small introduction of the website which tells the reader that the page was the first and the largest fan site dedicated to the actor. Also the site statistics are provided clearly on the bottom of the page. There you can find for example the owners of the page and the date when it was founded. Next to the statistics there is a short text that notifies readers that the page owner is not Robert Pattinson and that they also do not claim copyright on any images used in graphics, media or in the gallery.

The text on the fan site has no errors or “typos”. The sources for the clips on the front page are all dated and easily show their true origin. The dates also show the pages currency giving the reader a feeling that it is thrust worthy.

Although the page seems to be very professional etc it provides no contact information. The page also has a lot of ads which makes it look a bit shady.

From Eero Ettala with love web site ( is a site which tells you about snowboarder Eero Ettala. In front page you can see some videos about Ettala and it somehow provides the right information about the snowboarder.

(Authory) There is lot of information about Eero Ettala. There are also many videos to watch and I think which are reliable. There a biography about Ettala which is also reliable, because I think it’s stupid to put some wrong information about the main person to the internet. And it’s easy to find the original pages of links because Ettala’s sponsors are huge corporations and I think it’s reliable. Ettala also keeps his own blog and you can see it in the front page and you can find the blog on the right side of the page. There is date and time when he is written down the blog writings. There is also some pictures of Eero.

(Accuracy) The language in the page is spoken language. And Eero writes so easily way that everybody can read it. So everything that he is written seems reliable.

(Currency) There are many dates given. The blog have dates and also videos have dates in videos links. There is the right mention when Eero has created. You can add some comments to Ettalas blog and blog writings.

(Objectivity) There is much contact information that is given to the Ettalas own website. There are several sponsor links ranging from for example Red Bull, Oakley, Nitro, White Moment etc. I think that the site is reliable.

All in all I trust to this page and trust that it’s reliable.

written by justus

Reliability of web pages EVA
The website for alien abduction( ) is dedicated to people that want to be kidnapped by aliens.

Authority : When you scroll down the page you find an e-mail address for feedback and a name of the writer or company. You can find information of the company from the page.

Accuracy: No spelling mistakes but there are no links or other information from other pages. The page is mainly the writers own text.

Currency : There is a date when you scroll the page down but it is not for the writings but only for the page and how long it has been in use.

Objectivity : There is a lot of information about the Alien Abducts Incorporate. They have a blog and also you can get a job there.

Because there is lots of information you should thinks it is reliable but I still have a feeling that this page is not reliable.

lauantai 8. toukokuuta 2010

Justus' Media Diary

I use or read about every day the internet or some other channels which are connected with media. Sometimes I just read trough the paper and search some interesting news or sport news.

Wednesday: When I go home from job I read Metro in bus. There was not so big news. When I get home I read some other news from the internet Ilta-Sanomat and Helsingin Sanomat pages.

Thursday I used computer about 2 hours at night. I was in facebook so I did not use the internet necessarily so well.

Friday I read Ilta-Sanomat and there were so many titles which tell about the volcanic eruption.

Saturday I use the internet whole day spending the hours in facebook and many other sites. I was so tired that I didn’t do anything else.

Sunday I do some geography work which includes the earth risks and I must search some news that attach volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and some other natural risks.

There were no surprises on my media using. It was a normal week for me. Sometimes I use much more media, but it depends.

I don’t use much television and I don’t play any internet games because I have Xbox360 console, but actually I can compare using of spending newspapers or internet. It depends on what day is it because usually I read Metro in bus every day but if I’m tired in mornings or I just don’t want to read any papers it certainly get off my daily information access.

Sometimes my father brings Ilta-Sanomat when he comes from work and I usually read it if I’m willing to know what is happening.

Using internet or television is very daily and important to me that I would say that my using is primarily to get informed about everything.

torstai 6. toukokuuta 2010

Does ads really got a good appearance

Usually when you see some advertisement of clothes you probably see very thin and beautiful girl in a picture. And that’s not all! Usually the advertisement girl is half a naked, because that clothes would sell better. And the girl at the picture look like that she’s face is so packed with makeup so she would not be able to move her eyes or mouth, so crazy! And even better, the salesman and other people thought that the advertisement would sell better! I think that the right way to buy or just check the clothes is that you go to some shop and don’t even look any ads where the brand is advertising their clothes. And I think that other women is jealous and got the feeling that they must be the same that the girl in the ad! And if you don’t look same the clothes won’t suit you! So in women opinion I wouldn’t buy clothes that are in advertisements.

I think that advertisers should really think what they are putting in the ads and what kind of effects the ads possibly have! And also the teenager’s girls are so easy to get hooked on to the clothes on ads. And who would like to look that thin and full of makeup? The models in ads are so thin that you wouldn’t even recognize them if you just look quickly the ad. Teenager girls are just that kind of mass group that they think that the most important thing is look like the same on the ad and look like the most beautiful. The meaning of life can change when a little girl grown up to next level, teenager. When you’re little you would not be interested about makeup and clothes and its just waste of time to think what are you going to put on you. And when teenager grows, she possibly realizes what the meaning of life is.

I think that the ads don’t have good appearance to women and girls, because they just want to look like the girl in the ad. Also it’s creating men to think that all women are looking like same that in the ads and they just keep talking about that.

BY: Justuss

Ads gone bad

If you ask someone to descirbe a clothes advertisment they'll probably tell you that there's a thin tall girl on it wearing clothes that show off her breasts and her behind and her face so stuffed with makeup she looks like a doll. It seems that the brand thinks that the thinner and the prettier the girl on the ad is, the better the clothes are gonna sell.The truth is the effect is exactly the opposite. You get the feeling that you have to be as beautiful and thin as the girl on the ad to be able to look good in those clothes. Then you feel, that because you're not like the girl on the ad you're not good enough which makes you depressed and you don't want to buy any clothes because in your opinnion they all look terrible!

It's crazy that anyone would like to look like the models on the ads anyway. They're so thin it makes you want to force them to eat something so they'd gain a little weight. No one would probably even notice if there was a teenage boy wearing a little makeup and girls clothes in stead of an actual model. And I'm not even exaggerating it. Advertisers should really think about the messages they're relaying and what effect they have on people, young girls especially. Young women are the most vulnerable of all age groups because they think that the most important thing in life is to look good, good meaning thin and beautiful. Little girls don't care what they look like most of the time because they're busy catching butterflies and wearing pink clothes. Older women know who they are and realize there's more to life than your looks.

The ads don't only affect women and girls beliefs of how they should look like. It also makes men and boys think that women should look like the girls on the ads. No wonder men and boys seem to be interrested in only the girls who look like straws. They think it's not somehow acceptable to like someone who is a bit heavy or curvy and the women only reinforce that belief by accepting the fact that men and boys can evaluate you by your looks.

BY: Mia :)

maanantai 26. huhtikuuta 2010

Mars - Life Signs?

Nasa have found life signs from Mars. They found so called fossil bacteria from the old underground glacier of the Mars which is formed long time ago before us humans. Scientists made this discovery few days ago and they are quite sure that this found have very important meaning for whole humankind.

"This is not the case of small green men." Said the discovery presented Dr. Daniel Goldin. Who said also that: "None of the evidence does not support the fact that there would have been higher forms of life in Mars." They still have to get dozens of new samples and measuring results before can be said anything exact.

However it is premature. Discovery has not yet been certified and its interpretation is incomplete.

By: Jarno


By Lotta Vilkka

Siblings got lost in forest by end of the family argument, when their stepmother took them to big forest in Germany last week. Stepmother left kids there without any warm clothing or food. Later the same night old woman kidnapped children to her cottage. Kids managed to escape from there two days later and are now in child welfare office.

Children’s father and stepmother have economical problems so the stepmother decided to take siblings, seven-year-old Hansel and eight-year-old Gretel, names changed, to the forest and left them there. Unknown older woman found and kidnapped kids to her cottage and kept them there three days. The woman told to kids, that she is going to eat the younger kid Hansel. Luckily kids managed to escape from the cottage and were found by hunters who called to police.

Now children’s stepmother is arrested and has got charge of exposition. Children’s father told to the police that he didn’t know what happened and the stepmother told to him that Hansel and Gretel were in grandparent’s house. Father is relieved and wants the children back home. Child welfare office and police are investigating the case.
Hansel and Gretel and the escape
by Justus

Last monday two kids, Hansel and Gretel children of the king of the secret forest were escaped from their house. They wanted to protest their low weekly allowance to their dad. Children marked their route with breadcrumbs. Accidently the evil witch saw them and almost eat Hansel.

Hansel and Gretel were lost in the forest and founded house of the evil witch. Eyewitnesses said that the evil witch was taken children to her house and rumors whereby that witch started to serve some food to Hansel. When Hansel is conveniently chubby the evil witch is going to eat him. The secret forest police tells that the children are just fine if they are careful and do not make stupid moves. While the witch boil the soup for Hansel, Gretel were so smart that she dashed the evil witch to her own soup! Then children finally success escape from the house. Some information says that children father, the king of the secret forest was too worry about his kids that he raised the weekly allowance from 15 marks to 30 marks.

The forest’s crime scene investigation explores the witch house and they founded boiled witch and some ugly broths. “We can’t find any good motive because the witch is boiled”, says the leader of the investigation group. Finally children are happy about their allowance and they promised that they would never again escape away from their house. And the investigation group is going to bury the witch because the witch has no relations.

Mia's Media Diary

I’ve always thought that I should watch less TV and spend less time on the computer. According to my media diary I’m absolutely right. I estimated that I’d watch TV and sit in front of the computer maybe 12 hours a week but the diary shows that the real consumption is 20 hours or more. What comes to listening to the radio, reading news papers, watching films and seeing ads on the street I managed to estimate the time I use them quite well. I listen to music and the radio for about 10 hours weekly, I read news papers approximately 3 hours weekly and I watch films 7 hours a week. I see ads on the street every day almost every second so it’s really hard to say an exact amount of days, hours or minutes I see them.

I guess it’s no surprise that I often become interested of things in the media that concern me. For example if I see there’s an article about how much young people use drugs I find it more interesting that an article about if Matti Vanhanen has a secret affair. Things that interest me are e.g. sports, young people and what they think and peoples opinions in general, food, music and culture, so those are the things I like to find out about. I also think it’s interesting to read an article or watch a TV document about family problems and crimes that happen or have happened around the world. I like them because they make me realize how lucky I am to have my family, live in quite a safe environment and have a chance to a good education.

I like to watch TV with my family or friends, especially series and movies, because we can laugh together and discuss about something that has been brought up in a document for example. If I listen to music it really doesn’t matter if I’m alone or not. The only difference is that if I’m alone I can sing as loud as I want and no one complains (). Reading news papers and magazines is something I like to do alone because it’s disturbing to have someone wanting to turn the page when I’m not done and vice versa. However I like to ask my mom or dad about something if I don’t understand it and it usually grows to a conversation about the issue I’ve asked about.

Most of the time I’m in touch with the media is for my own entertainment. I watch the news and read e.g. Helsingin Sanomat because I like to know what’s going on in the world and in Finland. Most of the time when I’m on the Internet I do it by my self because there might be something private I don’t want anyone to see like an e-mail. If I’m on the Internet with my friend it’s usually because we look at someone’s pictures on Facebook or something like that.


Sleeping beauty was poisoned in a castle in Farfar away land by an angry lady. Sleeping beauty in eternal sleep (for 100 years).

In Farfar away land happened a tragedy when an angry lady poisoned sleeping beauty because of jelousy.The accident started when sleeping beauty cut her finger with a poisoned spindle when she tried to spin. Sleeping beauty fell asleep and the lady built a labyrinth around the castle and even put a dragon to guard the girl.
Prince charming came and rescued the girl after fighting the dragon and found his way out of the labyrinth. Sleeping beauty got her life back when the prince kissed her on the lips.

The angry lady got so angry that she pissed off the dragon and she was eaten by the huge creature. The witnesses described it as cruel to watch.
The dragon got away and flew even further away from the Farfar away land.

Eva rindell / 09D

Little Red Riding Hood and grandma attacked by a wolf!

By Maija Palmujoki

Little Red Riding Hood was going to her grandmother’s house while she ran in to the big bad wolf. Apparently they had a short conversation where Miss Hood told the wolf where she was going. The police believe that this was a critical mistake, and say that whenever you are going to your grandmother’s house alone and you run into a talking wolf do not tell it where you are heading. Miss Hood unfortunately didn’t know this.

A short while after the chat with the wolf Miss Hood arrived to her grandmother’s house, but was terrified by the way she looked. Miss Hood told the police that she knew her grandmother was sick but she wasn’t expecting anything like this. “Grandma looked very hairy, and her nose and teeth and ears were massive! “, Miss Hood states. If only Little Red Riding Hood had realized that this certainly wasn’t her grandmother she could have avoided the traumatic event that was about to come. “I asked grandma a few questions about her appearance because I just had the feeling that everything wasn’t quite right, and then… it happened”, Miss Hood says and busts into tears. Apparently the wolf had ran to Grandmother’s house after Little Red Riding Hood had told him where she was going, then eaten her grandmother and dressed up in granny’s clothes so he could eat Miss Hood as well. Unfortunately the wolf’s plan was so well thought out that he actually succeeded. After eating Miss Hood and grandmother, the big bad wolf took a nap. Luckily A huntsman was just passing by and thought he would go visit granny. To his surprise he didn’t find her in her rocking chair like usually, instead he saw a big fat wolf lying in the bed. The huntsman immediately realized what had happened and took out his knife and cut the beast’s belly open, freeing Miss Hood and grandmother. Both of them were surprisingly unharmed, but according to doctors they might experience some posttraumatic stress.

The wolf is now being charged of attempted murder and of eating a senior citizen. The Sherwood news will be reporting the case results tomorrow, when the court gives out their decision.
Snow White poisoned by evil stepmother
By Mia Rindell

Snow White, the daughter of the king and queen of Germany, was poisoned late yesterday afternoon in southern Germany by her jealous and evil stepmother who was jealous of Snow White's beauty. Snow White came back to life today morning when the piece of the poisoned apple came out of her throat accidentally.

Snow White’s stepmother, the king’s new wife, had been disguised as a farmers wife and had given Snow White the poisoned apple. After taking a bite of the apple Snow White had collapsed on the ground and the dwarfs she was living with had found her lying there. A prince traveling through the land had seen Snow White in her coffin and had fallen in love immediately. He had asked the dwarfs if he could get the coffin for himself with Snow White in it. While the prince’s servants were carrying the coffin away they stumbled and the piece of the poisoned apple had flown out of Snow White’s throat and she woke up. The prince and Snow White is planning to get married.

The investigations have shown that this was the queen’s third attempt to murder her stepdaughter. The motive, the queen tells, is that her magic mirror had told her that she wasn’t the most beautiful woman in the world because Snow White was more beautiful than her. The queen will be sent to multiple psychological tests and doctors will examine her for any kinds of hints of schizophrenia.

perjantai 23. huhtikuuta 2010


Nasa has discovered some shocking news about life on Mars lately. They say that it’s nearly certain that there’s chance for life on the planet.

Three meteorites are now been found and investigated by ultra-high tech research implement so they’ve been able to found some microbe life from the stone element. Nasa also says that the life that’s been found is almost 1.4 billion years old, which means it could be possible that there’s some more developed life on Mars nowadays. Some scientists also believe that Mars has actually started its development some meanwhile as Earth.

If so, there could a good chance for that we’re not the only ones at the universe.

Pietari Kruus 08 b

torstai 22. huhtikuuta 2010

News of the world

The Daily Mail’s masthead is the old fashion and traditional one. It makes you think the newspaper is an old and reliable.

The Daily mail has a lot of pictures. There’s a picture in an every page and usually there’s more than just one.

Small, clear and little old styled font tells the reader pretty much the same than the same kind of masthead does. It makes the reader think it’s reliable.

Splash values:
The splash seems shocking and not so old styled and traditional.

By: Jarno & Markus

keskiviikko 21. huhtikuuta 2010

News of the world by Maija and Lotta

We chose the Sun because its front page caught our attention with its screaming red color and big font’s. Being a tabloid, The Sun focuses on entertaining people with stories about celebs etc. The front page is full of dramatic pictures and bright colors that make you want to read all the “trash” it contains while you are waiting for your turn in the queue at the cashier.

News of the world

Values: None


Pictures: Big part of the whole tabloid

Font: total MESS, Striking (too many different colours&sizes)

Splash values: NONEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!


Brand identity in newspapers by Jude Law and Mia Hamm

The Daily Mirror

The front page: The colours are red and black and the font is sans serif. In other words this paper is definitely not a broadsheet, it's a red-top tabloid. The splash is "Paris back to jail", which tells you pretty much everything you need to know about the Daily Mirror's values. People love to see others fail and this paper gives you excactly that. Then there's a few puffs that are titled Big Bro exlusive. On the top of the page, next to the masthead, there's a small picture of a man and a text saying "Iraq's 150th victim: He gave his life to save a comrade". Besides the fact that people like to read about other people failing, they also like to read about everyday heroes and survival stories.

Lotta's media diary.

I kept a media diary for a weekend and realized how much time I really use on computer or watching TV, because I used to think that I wouldn’t never spend over five hours on computer per day. But the results told something else.

Usually in the morning I immediately check my telephone, put the TV on and start watching news, commercials and serials. After that I surf on the Internet, where I like to read the news all the time and use a lot of different sites, especially Facebook. I’m surrounded by media almost with everything I do. Even in bus I’m listening radio or mp3 –player and reading ads in front of me, almost without realizing it.

I like to read fashion magazines and also useless magazines about celebrities and their life. But I read rarely traditional newspapers, because I like to read the news quickly and easily from the Internet. The main reason why I interact with Internet so often is that I want to be “updated” all the time. I like to know what is happening all around the world and know what my friends are doing and so on. Also I have to get information to my school works.

I use computer often when I’m alone, but I when I’m watching TV I’m with friends or family, so it’s more social thing.

I used to think that I can handle the media and I’m very media critical but now I’ve noticed how big role it plays in my everyday life. Nowadays it is hard to live without the media, but the question what I asked from myself is; Are all the types of media really necessary in our life? In my opinion, we just have to spend less time with the media.

maanantai 19. huhtikuuta 2010

Pietu and Justus' small blog


just testing hheheehheehehhehe ÅÅÅååasfasåfasåfsåaf