torstai 6. toukokuuta 2010

Does ads really got a good appearance

Usually when you see some advertisement of clothes you probably see very thin and beautiful girl in a picture. And that’s not all! Usually the advertisement girl is half a naked, because that clothes would sell better. And the girl at the picture look like that she’s face is so packed with makeup so she would not be able to move her eyes or mouth, so crazy! And even better, the salesman and other people thought that the advertisement would sell better! I think that the right way to buy or just check the clothes is that you go to some shop and don’t even look any ads where the brand is advertising their clothes. And I think that other women is jealous and got the feeling that they must be the same that the girl in the ad! And if you don’t look same the clothes won’t suit you! So in women opinion I wouldn’t buy clothes that are in advertisements.

I think that advertisers should really think what they are putting in the ads and what kind of effects the ads possibly have! And also the teenager’s girls are so easy to get hooked on to the clothes on ads. And who would like to look that thin and full of makeup? The models in ads are so thin that you wouldn’t even recognize them if you just look quickly the ad. Teenager girls are just that kind of mass group that they think that the most important thing is look like the same on the ad and look like the most beautiful. The meaning of life can change when a little girl grown up to next level, teenager. When you’re little you would not be interested about makeup and clothes and its just waste of time to think what are you going to put on you. And when teenager grows, she possibly realizes what the meaning of life is.

I think that the ads don’t have good appearance to women and girls, because they just want to look like the girl in the ad. Also it’s creating men to think that all women are looking like same that in the ads and they just keep talking about that.

BY: Justuss

1 kommentti:

  1. Justus, tarkista kieli vielä kerran, jotkut kohdat jäivät nyt epäselviksi, koska olet antanut tekstiä tulla tunteen palolla kieliopin kustannuksella. :)
    t. Heini
